
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Isaiah and Paul - A Direction and Focus

When I was a pastor the method I used in deciding the course of my teaching and preaching material was simple. I prayed for wisdom and understanding. I chose portions of Scripture which intrigued me most at the time. And I studied them thoroughly so as to be able to teach them as accurately as possible in an expository fashion. Not all of my teaching/preaching was expository, but 80% of it was. This is because I trusted that God's word itself would consistently bring to our attention the most important topics, the topics God thinks are most relevant to our lives.

I find that one does best what he enjoys most. When work is a passion it becomes joy and results in excellence. When it is not enjoyed it is toil and becomes a drudgery. For the Christian, the Scriptures should be his passion. For me as a pastor, they most certainly were. I want to know truth. Jesus said to the Father, "Your word is truth." He also said to his disciples that they would know the truth, and that the truth would set them free.

I have been mulling over ideas for several days now on what direction the theological/devotional writing of this blog should take. It occupied my thoughts last night and this morning. It distracted me in church. What direction I decide to go on this blog will also determine the direction of my own Bible study and reading material, so it is not just the blog at stake, but also my personal devotional life.

Since I have no doubt God makes us who we are, works providentially in our lives, and gives us all our godly wants and desires, then I do believe that whatever direction I go, though my own choice, will ultimately be seen to have been his choice as well. It is He, after all, who does according to his will both in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand nor even question him.

So where shall we go? If our goal is bringing to God the most glory, exalting him in our thoughts, and if the Scripture is the vehicle we will use to take us there, and if all my own godly thoughts and desires come first from Him, then I will choose the "where" from my wants and trust him that this is a good thing.

I am intrigued right now, most of all, by two men in the Bible. They are Isaiah and Paul.

I have always loved the book of Isaiah. To me, it is the most sublime, contains the noblest themes, of all the Old Testament. I have access to tools which will help me to study it more thoroughly than many men who lived in the past. Most of these tools are at my fingertips, but perhaps I will order a book or two as well. Yes, this is where we will go.

And since I am a man of many and varied interests I am also going to tackle the life of Paul. I taught Galatians once before on Wednesday nights over an eight month period and I also spent about the same length of time once on the Acts of the Apostles. These two books contain the majority of Paul's biographical history, but not all. I want to tackle his life in biographical fashion. I have a couple of books this will give me an excuse to read and this will also enable me to get certain events in his life placed in order in my mind.

There, that helps me with some direction and focus.

1 comment:

Ev said...

I am looking forward to this :)