
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mark 13:14-20 - Great Tribulation

End times speculation is a popular pastime in American evangelical circles, and a money-making proposition. The average southern evangelical can tell you next to nothing about the Trinity, has never heard of things like the aseity, or the sovereignty, or the simplicity of God, and has no idea what to make of words like propitiation or transcendence. He couldn’t explain original sin or the atonement, and likely couldn’t even name the books of the Bible. But he can tell you all about the seven year tribulation and the beast and the European Union. He can tell you for sure we need to support Israel no matter what, and that there’s going to be a war called Armageddon, and Russia is going to be involved, and thank God none of us will be here because the church is going to be raptured out. We are end-times crazy.

But what Jesus is saying in Mark 13 has very little to do with what we think of as the end times. He is talking about the destruction of the temple and the coming of his kingdom, two things which will take place within the lifespans of the people he is talking to.

In the previous sermon the disciples asked Jesus for signs. And in the first thirteen verses Jesus gives them none. But finally in verse 14 he does. What does it mean? What does it have to do with their questions or of the end of the age? Take a listen to the sermon below where I give answers to all these things and more.

Just click the link below. God bless.

Click here: Mark 13:14-20 - Great Tribulation


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