
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mark 3:22-30 - The Eternal Sin

In this passage of Mark's gospel we have a pericope inside another pericope. The first was intended to get us to stop and assess what we think of Jesus--what our relationship with him is. This one is intended as a solemn word of warning. We will take heed to the warning. We will examine it and examine it well, for it is very frightening. Jesus announces that there is a sin for which there is no forgiveness. 

But there is something else that is laid down beside it that we will also take the time to notice, words that are wonderful to a soul in search of forgiveness. So in this story, this sermon, we are brought face to face with both law and grace.

Remember what Mark is doing in this section. He is clueing us in as to what the reactions of the people were to Jesus. The crowds were flocking to him because they wanted something. His family thought he was mad. The Sanhedrin, however, gives a two-fold pronouncement: (1) he is possessed by Satan and (2) his ministry--his healings, his miracles, his casting out of demons--is a work of Satan.

Jesus responds to this assessment in parables--parables that illustrate the absurdity of their findings. The last, especially, is dripping with sarcasm.

Understand that these two charges weren't just an official verdict spoken in Jerusalem. Mark tells us they "were saying" it. In other words, they were spreading it around. 'Don't go to Jesus. Don't listen to him. The miracles he does, he does as a sorcerer, for he is possessed by demons and through the prince of the demons he casts them out.'

It's worth mentioning that his enemies cannot deny the miracles. If there were a way to debunk his miraculous power, they would have. If they investigated claims of healing and found them to be fraudulent, they would have done that. But finding themselves in a position of not being able to deny the signs that Jesus is showing, they choose to attribute his works to Satan. This is important to understand, because after Jesus answers their charges he is going to make a frightening statement of warning and we need to understand that warning within its context.

This is the audio from the sermon I preached from this text on March 26. I hope you will take a few minutes and listen to it. We all need the gospel and we all need to grow in grace. Just click the link below and God bless you.

Click here: Mark 3:22-30 - The Eternal Sin


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