
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mark 13:28-37 - Stay Awake!

This is the last sermon from Mark 13, the chapter which contains Jesus’s famous Olivet Discourse. What we look at in this sermon is the purpose of the discourse and what it says about the future of Israel and the Church. And we conclude with Jesus’s admonition to “Stay awake” and what that means in its New Testament context.

The whole of this chapter hinges around the cataclysmic judgment of Jerusalem and the temple and the end of Old Testament, Old Covenant Judaism. But it isn’t accurate to say that it ended. The better way to express it is that it was fulfilled and became what it was always destined to be. The promises made through the prophets to true Israel are being fulfilled and the unbelieving branches are being cut off.

When? And what will be the signs? That’s what the disciples want to know and that’s what Jesus has been telling them. In addition to that he has given them a confirmation of the coming of the kingdom and a glimpse of its fullness.

The whole discourse has been pastoral in tone. Jesus loves his disciples, and in his concern for them he has given them the information they need to survive and thrive through the coming days. And now he gives them one final lesson and warning.

To listen to this sermon just click the link below. A page will open up in your browser where you will be able to either stream the sermon immediately or download it for later listening. God bless you.

Click here: Mark 13:28-37 - Stay Awake!


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