
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mark 12:13-27 - Jesus Disputing In the Temple

This is the 49th sermon in my series through Mark. We are in chapter twelve and just a couple of days away from his crucifixion. The following is straight from my introduction to this sermon.

We are in the temple now and will be through the end of this chapter. Jesus passed judgment on it in the previous chapter and when confronted by the temple authorities and asked directly by what authority he did these things, he told the parable of the wicked tenants and foretold the end of the Jewish authorities then in place over God’s people. The old covenant is giving way to the new. The physical types are giving way to spiritual realities. Israel has failed, as have all the children of Adam. True Israel has come, the second Adam, to succeed in their place and new Israel, expanded Israel, is about to rise.

In today’s sermon and in the next couple of pericopes, what we will see is Jesus being challenged by the Jewish authorities, each in turn, trying to entrap him because they understand who he claims to be and they reject him. They cannot openly arrest him, because of his popularity, and because that would be seen for what it was. What they will try to do instead is try to entrap him in his words and get him to give them something they can use against him. The first pericope we will look at this morning is particularly clever.”

In this sermon are covered the question of the Pharisees and Herodians concerning paying taxes to Caesar, followed by the question of the Sadducees about the resurrection. Jesus’s answers are both artful and profound. Take a listen and see if looking at what Jesus says challenges you to re-think the way you look at the kingdom and the future state. More importantly, in seeing the gospel plainly I hope you are growing in your faith and understanding and commitment to follow Christ faithfully. To listen click below.

Click here:Mark 12:13-27 - Jesus Disputing In the Temple


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