
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mark 8:34-9:1 - The Cost of Discipleship

Last week we left Jesus and the disciples at Caesaria Philippi where Peter made his great confession followed by Jesus making a shocking announcement. Right after Peter says, "You are the Christ," Jesus announces he is going to be rejected, arrested, and executed, but that after three days he will rise again. The disciples are so shocked that Peter takes Jesus aside and begins to rebuke him. When we left that scene Jesus had responded by rebuking Peter. That was verse 33.

We picked back up right there with Jesus, in verse 34, turning to the crowds and telling them that if anyone would come after him (in other words be his disciple) he must first deny himself, then take up his cross and follow Jesus. I'm going to Jerusalem to die. Who's going with me? In this passage we find some of the most sobering words Jesus ever spoke. While the disciples no doubt entertained dreams of future glory in the Messiah's kingdom, Jesus brings them the cold sober reality that the road to glory leads through a Roman cross. These words were shocking.

We are at the turning point in Mark's Gospel. Everything that happens from here through the end of chapter ten happens on the way to Jerusalem. Here Jesus will die and only those who are willing to die with him may be his disciples. This is a challenging and somewhat disturbing text. Who does Jesus think he is that he can make such demands? More important for us to consider is this. Is Jesus asking anything of his followers that he is not willing to do for them? Is he asking anything from them that has not promised to do for them?

Below you will find a link to the audio file from the sermon that I preached from this passage. I hope you will take the time to listen to the message and that the preached gospel will change you. Just click the link and a new window will open in your browser where you will find an MP3 recording of the sermon. You can stream it or download it for later listening. God bless.


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