
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Galatians 5:22 - Peace and Patience

When Paul speaks of the fruit of the Spirit, as opposed to the works of the flesh (our sinful nature), he lists nine virtues, nine things the Spirit of God will produce in believers who are walking 'by the Spirit.' These nine virtues are all attributes of God as well and are modeled by Jesus Christ himself. Because the Holy Spirit is making us into the image of Christ he begins to produce these virtues in us. These are kingdom virtues.

The first one listed is love and we discussed this love in our first bible study from this verse. The second is joy and it was covered in the second of our bible studies on this topic. This third study covers the next two virtues--peace and patience.

Once we begin to understand that Jesus came to usher in a new age culminating in a new heavens and a new earth, then we begin to see what God is doing in us now. He is preparing us for that new creation. That is why believers are called a new creation in Christ. And because we are being prepared for a new world, we must be renewed through the Spirit of God day by day being made into the image of Jesus who is the firstborn of that new creation. This work of being made into the image of Christ is called sanctification. When we walk by the Spirit, God produces this fruit in us.

There is much more to peace and patience than you probably realize. These terms are loaded with meaning in their biblical usage. I invite you to listen to the audio of this bible study where we discuss these two virtues, these fruits of the Spirit. You will find a link to the audio below. Just click and stream, or download it for later listening. Either way, it is our hope that in doing so you will grow in grace and these fruits of the Spirit will be manifest in your life. God bless.

Click here: Galatians 5:22 - Peace and Patience


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