
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mark 5:24-34 - Jesus Heals a Woman With a Hemorrhage

Remember what is taking place here in this chapter? Remember where we are in the narrative? We are on the third of four miracle stories that describe, with increasing intensity, the power of Jesus. The first was at the end of chapter 4 where Jesus commands the winds and the waves and they obey him. In that miracle story we learn of Jesus' authority over the created order. Jesus is the one who commands and the waves stand still. He speaks and the universe obeys.

The next miracle story we encounter in this section is the healing of the demoniac of Gesera. Jesus rebukes the demons and they come out of the man. In that story we are reminded of Jesus' authority over Satan in the spiritual realm. Jesus is Lord over the spiritual realm, as well as the physical.

Then Jesus crosses back over to the western shore of the lake and there he is contacted by the ruler of a synagogue, who wants him to come heal his daughter who is dying. So Jesus is on his way there when something else happens. In the story related this morning (the something that happens along the way) we will see Jesus' authority over sickness and disease. Next week, well, next week will come in due time.

Each of these miracle stories is recounted for the purpose of emphasizing Jesus' power and authority, telling us who Jesus is (God) through his actions, and pointing forward to what Jesus has come to do. 

And this is something we need to be reminded of. He has come to restore the created order by casting down Satan and making an end of sin, disease and disability, and death. He is ushering in the kingdom, which is to say that he is ushering in the world to come. This kingdom begins within us, which is why each story emphasizes faith. In the first, the disciples are rebuked for their lack of faith. In the second, we admire the restored man's desire to be with Jesus while at the same time shaking our heads at the people who send Jesus away. Before Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead (next week) he says, "Do not fear. Only believe." Here in this story we admire the faith of the woman, imperfect though it is. The kingdom begins within us, and it begins by faith. Let that sink in.

Now while this is the third of four pericopes in a series, it is sandwiched in the middle of the fourth pericope (or story.) So as we're reading along, the fourth pericope begins, then is interrupted. This morning we will focus on the interruption, then next week come back and look at that fourth story. Think of this sermon as the story within the story.

You just read the introduction to the sermon linked below. I hope you will take the time to listen to it and that your faith will grow as well as your admiration and awe of Jesus. Be blessed.

Click here: Mark 5:24-34 - Jesus Heals a Woman With a Hemorrhage


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