
"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam"--Michael Card

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 - The Family of Jesus

In this passage we are introduced to Jesus' family and, guess what? They thought he was mad.

Likely, the idea that Jesus' family thought he was crazy was scandalous to the early church. After all, if you were writing a history designed to convince people to believe on Jesus, why would you include the fact that his family did not believe and in fact thought he was crazy? Doesn't make sense. Unless it was true.

And if it was true, why did Mark include this kind of negative information in his gospel? Because there is an important lesson being taught in this story, as we shall see.

When Jesus' family decides to go find Jesus and save him from himself they find they cannot get to him because of the crowd. Jesus is in a house surrounded by a multitude. Inside the house with Jesus are the disciples. Outside are his family. Why are they standing outside? Presumably because of the crowd. The crowd is so bad, so pressing, so demanding, remember, that Jesus and his disciples can't even eat. No wonder Jesus' mother and brothers can't get to him.

But there's more than that here. Mark emphasizes that they are on the outside. Mark includes this fact to convey to us that his brothers were not among his disciples. They were not believers.

Where are you standing with Christ? Do you still have doubts? Do you still wonder if all this could really be true? Perhaps you are thinking, "Well, maybe it contains some truth, but it's just too incredible, or far-fetched to believe such things in our modern, scientific age." Then this section of Mark's gospel was written for you, too. Three chapters in, where do you stand with Jesus? Are you on the inside with him yet? Sitting at his feet? Listening to his words? Determined to follow him? Or are you on the outside still?

This is the sermon I preached from this section of Mark on Sunday, March 19, 2017. I hope you will take the time to listen to it. It's not a long sermon, but it is a very important one, for it challenges us to think about who Christ is, and what our relationship with him is. Are you on the inside with Jesus or standing outside with misconceptions? To listen to the sermon just click the link below.

Click here: Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 - The Family of Jesus



BaileyMan said...

Great, simple, bottom shelf stuff Spurge. Good to hear your voice. First one in a long time. The headline intrigued me. I had to hear it. Reminds me of "If your within, what are you doing without" Curtis Hudson I think. just wanted to chime in.

James Spurgeon said...

Thanks, Jeff. 👊🏻